Friday, February 7, 2014

Jan 18th - 24th: Training Ramblings......In Between!

January 17th was my final day at the City of Annapolis and not starting my new job until January 27th, meant that I had a week of training ahead of me.  In true fashion, the weather gods conspired against me and aside from a cold Sunday solo ride, the rest of the week's rides were spent on the rollers or at the store on the Computrainer.  That also meant that I didn't get some of the volume I wanted but it was still good to be able to ride everyday without having to squeeze it in between meetings etc.  I think I could live the professional athlete lifestyle.....if it was in San Diego all the better :-)

With a focus on cycling at the moment, I have made more of an effort to challenge myself in training and this week I certainly did that.  On Sunday I headed out on a solo ride, on what for round here is a hilly ride, and just smashed myself on the hills.  It was fun, hard and the smashfest made it easy to forget about the cold! The trouble was the final 20 mins heading back to the house was torture as the legs didn't really want to continue.  The recovery ride on Monday was so easy that I averaged somewhere around 38% FTP.....

 Click for Video
Click for video

Using the Computrainer at Parvilla Cycle & Multisport is sooooooo gooooood for targeted training. Being able to set your workouts up at specific power levels enables you to just focus on riding and hitting the numbers. On Thursday for example I wanted to crank out some VO2 intervals, so I created the workout set at 106-120% of FTP for varying durations (3-8mins) and boom you go ahead and ride without being able to cheat yourself.

I also got some decent runs done and a couple of swims, nothing too wild but it blew the chlorine cob webs away.....the runs were all just steady base miles and taking advantage of being able to run in the daylight outside. With the new job that may not happen that often.

The new job starts next week on the 27th, so that means a daily commute into D.C......and certainly less training time!

Total: 207.44 Miles / 14 hours 12 minutes

Swim: 4500 yards / ~2.56 miles / 1 hours 21 minutes
Bike: 177 miles / 9 hours 38 minutes
Run: 27.31 miles /3 hours 13 minutes

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