So this was the 2nd week of the first build for ChesapeakeMan. The key workouts for most weeks are the long run and the long ride, with a consistent swim set too, this week was no different. It turned out that I didn't time for a long run so that was pushed to the first day of next week. The biking week turned out awesome with the July 4th holiday enabling a good midweek distance ride. The focus until the end of July is consistent workouts and building volume again.
Weather wise this week was tough....the Derecho storm knocked out power for 4 days, so it was tough to sleep in the heat and motivation to train was a little lacking!
Sat June 30th - Early morning run before heading to the store. 4.45m
- Rode after work for 90mins, steady talking pace. 28.48m
Sun July 1st - Recovery Day, just an easy hour ride along the WBA trail. 18.0m
Mon July 2nd - 2500yd swim with fins. First time with fins which are an awesome leg workout
- Evening Store ride from Parvilla. Rode big gear for strength 23.0m
Tues July 3rd - 2500yd swim with drills and sprints.
- D-Ville ride. Turned to be a great TT workout chasing off the back of the lead foursome. 45.0m
- Brick run. Didn't feel great but steady pace 3.5m
Weds July 4th - Long ride today out to Parvilla, group ride and back home. Rode the last half with Greg, nice steady pace. Needed a long day! 80.0m
Thurs July 5th - Recovery day with only a 2500m swim. Steady efforts at 5 x 500m
Fri July 6th - Wow! 100 degrees and an afternoon run for 45mins. 6.15m
Weekly Total - 14hrs 53mins
Total Mileage - 215miles
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