This was bit of a topsy-turvy week of trying to get the workouts out between bad weather and work commitments . In the end it worked out well and I had a great run to finish off the week. Let me know if you have any questions.
Week Oct 22nd - 28th.
Saturday Oct 22nd - With the Duathlon next Sunday, I broke out the Guru and rode tempo home from the store. I love the Guru far the smoothest bike I have ever ridden. Oh, and had to gerry-rig the rear light to the seat! Bike 25miles
Sunday Oct 23rd - As Parvilla Cycle & Multisport were helping to sponsor the Donna Brashears 5km/10km, I headed out to the race to use it as my weekly speed workout. It was a small field on a different course, 2 x 5km laps on a gravel trail. Great workout but little competition. Garmin showed that the course was long but did 5:50 average for 6.5miles. Won the 5km and 10km (10km by 20mins). Run 7.46miles
Monday Oct 24th - Double run day. A steady 6.25miles at lunch as a stretch from racing omn Sunday. After work hit another 6.56miles at tempo pace. Run 12.81miles
Tuesday Oct 25th - Hit up the steady rollers on Rte after work. Legs begun to feel it halfway through so backed off the final 30mins and kept HR under 125. Run 8.65miles
Wednesday Oct 26th - Weather sucked today so went to the pool after work. Longest workout since Ironman with an ascending pyramid. Swim 2500yds
Thursday Oct 27th - 2nd day of not running! Swim at lunch for some IM work, jeez that works the muscles. Rain kept me inside on the rollers in the evening. Swim 2100 yds, Bike 19 miles
Friday Oct 28th - What a great day for running. A 2hr run in the afternoon around South County. Goal was a negative split between the 2hrs. Hit 8.8miles the first hour and 9.2miles for a 6:40min/mile average. Best run of the year probably. Nutrition was powergel every 30mins and Nuun every 10mins (24oz total). Run 18miles.
Weekly Run Miles: 46.92miles
Weekly Run Time: 5mins 14mins
Total Time: 8hrs 50mins
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