I was back on the bike in full force this weekend. Saturday was the first ride back at D-Ville for a long while and the longest ride over 2 hours since sometime in September. Main aim was not to get dropped and mission accomplished! It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be as I managed to get the 70 miles in (even if the last 5 miles from the Park 'n' Ride to Bowie with Mike was a struggle as we were both gassed). Give it a few more weeks and I'll try it with the fixie.....then I'll be dropped!
Sunday we headed out to Ellicot City, starting from BWI. It was actually the first time that I had ever ridden around there and so riding the hills came as a slightly welcome change. Fortunately all bar one had ridden the Saturday ride and it was a nice easy ride on the hills......even had an official coffee stop, which is the first one I can remember since riding back in College, although then it was more of a beer and pie stop :-) I'll definitely have to try and remember the routes around that area as the Illchester climb was good as were many others that I probably wouldn't be able to find again. On a warm November morning the ride was good, ask me in the middle of May with the hammer down and I might say otherwise!
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