Before ending my temporary life as a "pro-triathlete",Sarah and I headed up to Lancaster County, PA for a quick getaway. We spent Monday, Tuesday up there before heading back yesterday....bad news is that I started my new job today, good news is that first impressions appear as though it is a good move.
We did all the usual tourist stuff in the PA Dutch Country....we went to the roadside stands and got fresh pretzels and homemade root-beer, we went to the quilt factories, we toured the countryside and in general had a very chilled time (I didn't even train for two days!). And yes we did eat at the Smorgasbords!....not once or twice but three times (one breakfast buffet was included with the room so it would have been rude not to!). Well, there isn't a huge amount of choice in some of the towns besides the all-you-eat buffets and so the country style food it was. It was good food but you do eat way too much esp. the desserts and breads (well in my case anyway).
Today Sarah and I have both started the diets to try and get rid of the whoopie pies and shoofly pies that were consumed :-) No racing until June 14th so I have a couple of weeks.....
diets?? please....
You'll be surprised at how much pie I can eat!
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