Thursday, June 12, 2008

So What Now........

The plan for the season was to focus on Eagleman 70.3M and try and qualify for Kona. Well they didn't quite go as planned and so we are now onto the fallback situation, which is to race at the ChesapeakeMan Ultra Distance Triathlon (an independent Ironman race) and then head down to the 70.3M World Championships in November.

The ChesapeakeMan race is a local race that takes place on pretty much the same roads as Eagleman and is run by the Tri Columbia group. This year the race is on Saturday September 27th and so I have about 100 days to get into full Ironman should be a good race, I have the fitness and just need to tailor it to the Ironman distance. It should also be different to race an independent Ironman where the numbers of racers and spectators are considerably lower (I think about 350 raced last year....should be no drafting issues then!) than at the WTC events.

In the meantime this week has been a total recovery week after the efforts of Sunday. I don't think my body has been this "busted" since Ironman Florida in 2006. I'm sure that pushing our bodies that hard won't be good for us in the long-term especially on the kidneys which suffer badly in long-distance races.....I guess only time will tell!

Hopefully the body will be recovered in time for the Church Creek 40km Time Trial this Saturday. This is an event run by our club (ABRT) and I am in for the individual time trial as well as 4-man team trial, so it should be a good day as it was last year. Team Banks are still on vacation with us and will be buzzing around the course, no doubt with my dad hanging out of the car trying to get the best vantage points from which to film!

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