Monday, May 28, 2012

Slowly but Surely....

The recovery from IM St George has been a slow and gradual process.  The last few weeks has been a process of slowly getting back into some scheduled workouts and putting some short intense sets in amongst easy recovery rides. 

IM recovery for me normally takes a month or so but the body likes to fool you into thinking your okay and then it slams you back down to earth.  I've had a few workouts in the past two weeks where I have been steadily rolling along only to get to about an hour and 40mins and BOOM the body shuts down leaving me grovelling home.

The urgency to get back into solid training isn't really there at the moment as the next two weekends will be punishing.  This weekend I have Duathlon Long Course Nationals (10km/70km/10km) over in Cambridge on the Eastern Shore and that is following by Eagleman 70.3 a week later on much the same course.  Expectations for those races aren't high based on the recovery process but obviously I want to race solidly and use them as the base to start training for the rest of the season. Of the two, I would say that Duathlon Nationals is more of a priority.

On the plus side, Memorial Day weekend means that the outdoor pool in Annapolis is open for the rest of the summer and that makes daily lap swimming much more inviting.  Swimming outdoors in a 25meter pool is so much more motivating....and helps get rid of the farmer's tan!

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