On Tuesday I said I was done for the season, well today I found out that I have won an entry to the Spirit of Pittsburgh 1/2 Marathon. The race is on November 1 and so we will head to the 'Burgh for the weekend. So how did I win the entry? I won courtesy of Racevine, a race review website, as part of their summer giveaways.
If you are looking for a race and are wondering what the nitty gritty details are, why not find out from others that have done the race previously? Regardless of the race you are training for (5Ks, marathons, ironman triathlons, etc), there are many questions that need to be answered before doing the actual race! For example, "How am I going to get to the start line?", "Are there enough porta-potties?", "What airport should I fly into?", and the list goes on.
Racevine was built to answer one simple question:
"Where do I find everything about my race?"
From the first timer to the veteran runner/triathlete, Racevine can address all your concerns ranging from "How do I plan my race schedule this year?" to "Is this a first-timer friendly race?" Also, you may wondering "Is there a race I can do in San Diego this August?." Or "How do I let everyone know how much I loved the Boston Marathon last year?"
Racevine can answer all of these questions. It is a site built by racers/computer geeks for the racing community to share their experiences with others.
Be sure to check it out!
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