Sometimes you keep on training and you feel as though you're not progressing and that you've reached a plateau. I was feeling like that the end of March and I was only two weeks into a four week training block. Last week I managed to up the ante a bit and hit the biggest week of the year so far with just under 15 hours. None of the workouts seemed particularly special but I could tell that perhaps, just perhaps I was turning a corner......
Then BAM!, I have been rocking this week. A 4 hour ride in the heat on Saturday felt great, and a 40 mile solo hill ride in Frederick on the tri bike on Sunday was hard but a good hard. The first swim with the Uglies was bang on target and I was drilling my 250 sets and setting PB's (Perhaps it was the fact that I felt that I had to try and show that I was a strong swimmer....strong swimmers can get away with Uglies, weak swimmers can't!). Then last night at the D-Ville ride I pushed it hard before running a 6 miler at tempo. Both the ride and the run went exactly to plan.
It has suddenly just all clicked and I feel ready to rock for the first triathlon of the year on May 9th. Sometimes all you need is to shake up the training a bit, get away from settling for what you have and not to be afraid to blow up.
Just as a note I think that Monday was the first time that I almost blew chunks while swimming.....that wouldn't have been pretty!
Isn't chunks your neighbors dog? You looked strong last night. I felt like ass. It was good seeing you mix it up a few times, that's the way you get stronger.
Perhaps that is why the neighbors moved!
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