You know you are an English cyclist (like me) when....
1) You still accidentally use the right-hand brake for the front wheel (brakes are reversed in the US).
2) You still look over your right shoulder to look for traffic and only see the sidewalk.
3) You constantly have to repeat yourself during group rides because of the "Limey" accent.
4) You look for Isostar energy drink in the grocery stores and then realise that Gatorade is the way to go.
5) You beat all your US friends around the traffic circle/roundabout as they are still trying to work out how it functions!
6) You still reflect back on the heyday of former pro-cyclist Sean Yates getting the yellow jersey in the 1994 Tour.
7) You miss being able to watch live cycling on Eurosport and have to make do with Bobke on Versus!
8) You don't miss the grey, rainy and windy rides......in the height of the English Summer!
too funny...but you sure survived that group ride the other night. How'd you get that ABRT logo??
The group ride was fast one, I think there was only 6 of us left in the end! The logo is just taken from the abrtcycling.com site and then inserted as an image.
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