Here goes......
ChesapeakeMan Ultra Distance Triathlon (Ironman) – Sept 29, 2012
Race Totals: 9:44:53
Swim: 1:08:42
Bike: 5:14:12 (21.4 mph)
Run: 3:17:46 (7:33 per mile)
5th place overall
BREAKFAST: Consumed between 4:30am – 4:50am
- (2) Magnesium capsules
- (1) Vitacost multivitamin
- (2) Fish Oil capsules
- (2) Spiralina capsules
- (2) packets Glutenfreeda oatmeal with water
- (1) ProBar Superfruit Slam
- (2) SaltStick capsules
PRE-SWIM: (1) bottle w/ (2) scoops EFS + (1) SaltStick
SWIM TOTALS: 1:08:42
Bike Nutrition:
- Starting Bottle: (2) scoops EFS + (4) scoops CarboPro
- 2x EFS Liquid Shot Flasks (Kona Mocha/Vanilla)
- Approx (0.5) bottles of on-course Gatorade (90 calories)
- (7) 20oz water at every aid station (probably 2/3 of each)
- (4) SaltStick capsules
- Special needs Bottle: (2) scoops EFS + (4) scoops CarboPro
*~140oz total fluid intake on the bike or approximately 27oz per hour
Bike Nutrition Totals:
- Calories: 2100 (400 per hour)
- CHO: 524g
- Sugar: 164g
- Sodium: 4560mg (868 per hour)
- Potassium: 1432mg (273 per hour)
- Caffeine: 120mg
*For reference, I raced at ~163LBS [Hourly Caloric Intake (Bike): 2.45 calories /LB per hour]
BIKE TOTALS: 5:14:12 - 21.4 mph
Run Nutrition:
- 1-2 'cups' of Gatorade & (1) 'cup' of water taken at every aid station
- 4-6oz of coke consumed at (2) aid stations which had coke
- SaltStick Capsules: (24) capsules total, consumed at (2) every two miles.
- (1) Clifbar Shot Blocks
- (2) Hammer gel
Run Nutrition Totals:
- Calories: 800* (246 per hour)
- CHO: 195g
- Sugar: 133g
- Sodium: 4700mg ( 1445 per hour)
- Potassium: 1312mg (403 per hour)
- Caffeine: 770mg (236 per hour)
*The run was assuming ~2.5oz of Gatorade and 2oz of water consumed at each of (24) aid stations (~108oz total fluid on the run or approximately 33oz per hour)
RUN TOTALS: 3:17:46 - 7:33 per mile
Report format taken from Brian Shea at Personal Best Nutrition
Ok, I have some questions. how did you get the 2.4 calories / lb? Also did you use total weight or lean muscle mass? The calculation I got was 2x your lean muscle mass is why I'm asking. Plus I just love the spurlina usage because it's such a complete protein. Also what's the theory behind the fish oil?
Used total weight in lbs and got 2.4calories/lb/hr by dividing total calories intake by hours on bike by total weight (not lean muscle mass). Theory behind the fish oil is for the daily Omega 3 benefits. I take it daily so why change that on raceday.
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