Had a good ride on Thursday at the D-Ville group ride and then on Friday met with Kyle for some lunch at Nando's. Some 12 hours later I felt like I was on my deathbed with nausea, headache and massive bloating! No idea what it was but Sarah felt ok and we had eaten the same things bar the Nando's (not that it is definitely Nando's but highly suspicious)
The bad news was that after a severe lack of sleep and a very early start we were heading over to Church Creek to direct the race. Normally I probably would have bagged it but being co-race director you don't get to do that. To top it off the car didn't have the a/c after squirrels had chewed through the electrics (found that out on Monday).
A good idea of how bad I was feeling was that I didn't even have my typical Wawa coffee on the way over to the Eastern Shore! Fortunately all the pre-race work that we had put in worked a treat and race day went off without a glitch (once we got the school open). Results worked great this time thanks to the internet connection and we even got the results posted before some of the riders were back at the school :-)
So now as I write this on Wednesday, I feel much better but for Saturday, Sunday and most of Monday I felt awful and had no energy to do anything....just the build-up I need for the Annapolis 10 miler this weekend. Hopefully the next few days will be trouble free and I can rock it on Sunday.
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