Friday, December 4, 2009

Revolution Kids.....Vote!


As you may know, the City of Annapolis is constantly seeking funding to create innovate programs that can promote physical activity and constructive social connections in the Annapolis community.

Currently, the Dept of Recreation and Parks are collaborating with the Annapolis Police Department and the Annapolis Dept of Transportation on a very exciting youth bicycling initiative called REVOLUTION KIDS. They have the chance to win $5,000 in grant money through the Brighter Planet Fund. But they need your vote!

Please go to the website below and vote for REVOLUTION KIDS (and don't forget that you get three votes!). The project that receives the most votes by December 14th wins the grant money.
A win for this project means:

1) bicycle safety programs in Annapolis Elementary Schools and at the community in general,

2) the chance for teens to learn about bike repair and maintenance as they learn job skills while rehabbing run-down bikes (they earn their own bike in the process),

3) greater awareness of how cars and bikes can safely "share the road",

4) more cycling (a.k.a. more physical activity!) for Annapolis kids!

Cities across the U.S. have incredible cycling programs like Revolution Kids. The time has come to elevate cycling and bike safety in Annapolis.

Please take a moment to cast your vote now!


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