Monday, August 30, 2010

SavageMan Triathlon.....Fundraising

Dear Friends and Family,

I am participating in the "TRI-TO-WIN" SavageMan Triathlon Festival on September 18-19, 2010. The SavageMan Triathlon is "A Savage Race to Fight a Savage Cancer" and serves to raise funds and build awareness for the Joanna M Nicolay Melanoma Foundation. The Foundation is a non-profit charity, known nationally as "the voice for melanoma prevention, detection, care, and cure!", and all donations are fully tax-deductible.

Melanoma is a deadly cancer and is a particular risk to triathletes and everyone who does not practice "sun-safe" protection and preventative measures.

Please consider donating to this worthy cause at and helping my mission to race this Savage race and read below for some alarming facts about melanoma.



Skin cancer is the #1 cancer in the U.S. and melanoma is the most deadly form. Donors and triathletes, join the community of patients, families, doctors, and concerned individuals to:

Educate the general public on prevention and the seriousness of melanoma;
Support medical research that will ultimately lead to a cure for melanoma; and,
Provide resources for patients and the entire melanoma community

Melanoma is the most serious and lethal form of skin cancer.

One person dies every hour in the U.S. from melanoma

Melanoma is the most common cancer for young adults ages 25-29; and,

Second most common cancer in adolescents and young adults 15-29 years old.

Over 121,500 new melanoma cases will be diagnosed in the U.S. in 2009; and,

8,650 people are expected to die.

The lifetime risk of developing melanoma is 1 in 53.

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