Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Oi!.....Shut that Barn Door.......

The ChesapeakeMan Ultra Distance triathlon is now only 10 days away and all the training has been done. The old adage of the "Hay is in the Barn" is certainly true and now there is nothing left to add besides a good taper and making sure the body is completely rested for race day!

I had my last long"ish" bike ride on Saturday and everything until race day will be shorter, quality efforts with some brief intense stuff thrown in to keep the legs sharp....or as sharp as can be when they are mainly made up of slowtwitch fibers :-)

It always feels odd the first few days of a have more time on your hands and people in the pool wonder why you are getting out after only a "few" minutes as opposed to being told to turn the lights out when you leave. Fortunately the nights here in Maryland are beginning to draw in and so longer workouts on the bike after work can't be done anyway (not unless you fancy the trainer).

This coming Saturday will be a day-off and will also be a trip to the NASCAR race weekend at beer this year though as I plan to forgo the drinking tradition in favor of race-preparation :-(

The countdown has begun and to be honest I am getting a little excited!

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