So last week turned out to be a good week not only training wise but also as some new toys arrived. I have finally taken the plunge and invested in a disc wheel for my triathlon bike. After much consideration and delving into the sofa for missing pennies I decided to order a Renn 575. It would have been very tempting to order a ZIPP, but I just couldn't justify spending $1000+ on a single wheel....perhaps if they would like to sponsor me :-) Anyway, I had heard nothing but good things about the Renn, and quality and service as well as value for money are known to be great. So far I have only taken the bike out for a quick spin and will ride it again on Saturday prior to racing an Olympic triathlon in North East, MD on Sunday.
A few days before the disc wheel arrived, my new bike case also turned up on the doorstep. For a long time I had thought about getting a bike case so that whenever we go traveling, I could take a bike. Cycling on vacation always seems like a great idea as it allows me to explore the area in a way that a car can't. Last November for IMFL, I borrowed a case and was always on edge a) hoping that the bike made it ok and b) hoping that the case made it intact. So now I have my own case I will never have the excuse not to train while traveling (I'm sure that Sarah is well pleased!).
As the title of the post suggests, I now have a disc wheel and will the Big Island of Hawaii on the cards for 2008! I will be able to give you more details regarding the impact of the disc wheel after the race this weekend. Weather looks as though it will be hot and conditions good for the early morning start.
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